New photos have emerged of the new smart phone from Nokia, which carries the name of the X or Nokia Nokia Normandy, new images are considered the most accurate than the rest of the pictures that have been leaked in the past, which means it is closer to reality.
New images published Chinese site (Coolxap) appear to be more accurate than the images that leaked on the previous page technical famous @ evleaks which is why we say that we are in front of the real pictures of Nokia Normandy...
Photos new designs for new smart phone from Nokia Android system came to confirm the news that many of the talking, for example, the presence of two slices SIM while the interface is very similar to the system interface and Windows Phone.
On the other hand, the Nokia Normandy technology advantages, including WVGA screen measuring 4 inches and a dual core processor Snapdragon 1 GHz frequency of 0.4 gigahertz living memory capacity in addition to the 5 megapixel camera accurately.
As a reminder, the new phone will be officially unveiled at MWC 2014 in Barcelona next week
New images published Chinese site (Coolxap) appear to be more accurate than the images that leaked on the previous page technical famous @ evleaks which is why we say that we are in front of the real pictures of Nokia Normandy...
Photos new designs for new smart phone from Nokia Android system came to confirm the news that many of the talking, for example, the presence of two slices SIM while the interface is very similar to the system interface and Windows Phone.
On the other hand, the Nokia Normandy technology advantages, including WVGA screen measuring 4 inches and a dual core processor Snapdragon 1 GHz frequency of 0.4 gigahertz living memory capacity in addition to the 5 megapixel camera accurately.
As a reminder, the new phone will be officially unveiled at MWC 2014 in Barcelona next week