Talking about " onions " which is :
Of the same genus garlic
(Allium) and Aakhalo home from the presence of onions in it, and Athlo many cuisines , but the existence onions.
He knew the Pharaohs in Egypt and onions Kdsuh and immortalized his name in graffiti on the walls of the pyramids , temples and papyri and whom they laid in coffins with the dead bodies were stuffed in the belief that it helps to breathe when the dead returning to life .
Doctors said the Pharaohs onions in the lists of fortified foods , which were distributed to the workers who worked in the construction of the pyramids , as they described as nutritious and Mshahya and generating for Paul .
The Greeks also made it holy , calling their doctors for several diseases and wove around the myths of ancient beliefs in large ones that peels high that surround onions provide observational predictions about the weather If the numerous , thin and transparent winter was harsh. Some historians and tells the American continent that the Indians knew the use of onions and deliberated and named it " Chicago " and named after the city of " Chicago " on behalf of the onions , and the meaning of Chicago : power and greatness.
( Toxins )
Has been hailed scientists ancient medicine benefits of onions , they said that eating raw or cooked benefit from the damage of contaminated water and redden the face and pushing damage toxins and strengthens the stomach and irritates Beh , and softens the phlegm , and opens the Sudd and unrelenting stomach and cure of alopecia areata ( Dlka ) and grilled him fit for cough and roughness of the chest , the benefit of a wrench to the back and hip , and one hundred if Akthal it with honey benefit from visual impairment and descending water in the eye , and if Qatar in the ear of the benefit of hearing and tinnitus , runny pus .
According to him David Antioch "It opens the Sudd and strengthens Alshahuah especially cooked with meat , and goes jaundice , and generates urine and menstrual and heartbreaking gravel ." Razi said : "If I said Hravch defect onions and the forces of the stomach and onion pickle Fear arousal too ." Ibn al- Bitar " Super onions to a lust for food and Mats soothing , laxative for the belly , if it was cooking I really appreciate you pass more urine , increases in Beh that eating onions boiled with water , and unfair grilled and fried cheese cut the smell of the mouth of the cobra .
What is the chemical content of the onions ?
Contains the same material contained in garlic which is a for Linz as well as multiple sugars and sugars are the most important of sucrose, flavonoids and Sterodat soap and mineral substances of the most important of calcium , phosphorus, iron , sulfur, vitamin A, C and composite Algelocousin that determine the percentage of sugar in the blood which is equivalent to insulin in effect .
Onions medical benefits :
Onion benefits for countless and most importantly as evidenced tests performed on the onions in Victoria College and the University of Newcastle in Britain, which says that eating onions fresh or cooked in oil or butter or grilled reduces the incidence of stroke, blood has conducted experiments clinically on 22 patients between the ages of 78.19 years , he was offering them with breakfast 60 grams of the onions in different ways , and the result was they have immunity against stroke and were conducting constantly analyzes on samples from the blood of patients have been shown to factor in the installation of onions, which prevents thrombosis and reduces the incidence of their unimpaired heat and Aivob in water .
( Antiseptic for the mouth )
And some studies have proved that it can be used to cleanse the mouth where chewing onions or the garlic for 3 minutes longer sufficient to kill all the bacteria in the mouth . Has also proven that inhaling steam onions or eating leads to the entry into force of the pilot fuel sulfur content in it to human blood , which leads to the destruction of disease-causing germs and thus can be used onions in the treatment of respiratory disease resulting from infection with bacteria such as acute rhinitis , as well as infections of the throat and the windpipe and the people industries such as bronchitis .
( Clotting )
Also, studies have proven that the onions prevents clotting in the arteries of the heart , so he is one of the medicines preventive important to maintain the integrity of the heart and prevent crises and angina Perhaps this reveals to us the secret of the lack of occurrence of injury Egyptian peasants Balzbhat pectoris as a result of eating onions in large quantities in their food and on a daily basis .
As well as scientific studies have proved that the onion softens sugar in patients with diabetes has been found that onion contains a substance Algelocousin a substance similar to the hormone insulin , and have the effect of a similar or close to the effect of insulin which helps to relieve blood sugar .
As studies have shown that onions used in the treatment of asthma where use the onion juice by teaspoon mixed with one teaspoon of honey every three hours as the onion extraordinary ability to expel phlegm from the bronchial tubes and causing shortness of these people, resulting in difficulty in breathing and the occurrence of asthma .
( Cancer )
As for the cancer has injected a French doctor, George Akowska serum onions many patients , especially cancer , and received good results and can work enema works of onion juice extracted by pressing to achieve this.
( Colds )
And proven experiments also the success of the onions in the treatment of colds and flu, so make a drink of onions as cut the onion into rings and placed in a dish , then add to it the sugar and leave for 24 hours until the nomination and then taken from 2 to 5 tablespoons of this filtrate day.
( Lack of appetite )
We have approved the German Pharmacopoeia officially on the use of onions for the treatment of a lack of appetite and hardening of the arteries and to treat the problems of poor digestion .
To treat fever, cold and to treat itching and inflammation of the airways and to treat high blood pressure and to treat bacterial infections and infections of the mouth and throat .
( Boils )
Onions and garlic both
He says: As you said : O Moses will not stand for food and one for us Pray to your Lord come to us , which sprout from the earth and Baklha Qtaúha and Fumha and Adsha and Beslha } [Al-Baqarah : 61 ]
To get rid of the smell of garlic after eating onions eaten benefits benefits benefits of onions , mint or chewed paper or emulsify pink .. and whenever Old storage effectiveness was stronger .. any papers after dry completely .
Or taking capsules sold in pharmacies contain Ai odorless garlic extract
Diseases that dealt with garlic
Antidote to poisons :
Mash the five cloves of garlic , and mix a cup of honey dissolved in boiled black bean and drink it immediately and repeats the morning and evening, after it is cured , God willing .
Rub oil, garlic, and place of pain that was snake venom , or from the outside of the stomach if Sama drink .
Clarifying the stomach :
Swallowing a clove of garlic on an empty stomach clip , and after drinking a cup of fennel local honey , and repeat daily for a week .
Solvent Kstrul and mind of stroke :
While taking a lunch daily Put in power as much as two lobes Mhrusan and dealt with daily power .. preferably if I have maintained that like the power of vegetables daily with the rest of the food .
Garlic and effective treatment for blood pressure .. but after the discipline to stop his agent lowers the pressure , which has a drop in pressure does not use garlic as much as possible .
Diuretic and urinary antiseptic streams :
Boil barley Gallia well and after it cools it confuses 3 cloves garlic, mashed , and drink it on an empty stomach daily with a lot of drinking then lemon juice and liquid , and gaseous fluids Beware .
Eliminates the amoeba dysentery :
Pill taken daily after cutting it after every meal for a week , it eliminates the amoeba , preferably if the patient drink a tablespoon of olive oil then .
For dyspepsia and colic and gas :
Drink pear juice mixture in which three cloves of garlic a day before going to sleep , or at the time of abdominal colic with paint mixed with oil, garlic, olive oil .
For the treatment of typhoid :
Cut five cloves of garlic and mix in hot milk sweetened with honey and drink before sleeping with paint patient's spine and limbs mixed with the oil, garlic, olive oil , and in the morning inhale vapor garlic for five minutes .
Putrefying sores :
Beats garlic until it becomes Kalmarham and wounds him on the wound even though this painful .. but thanks to God that prevents gangrene that may lead to amputation of the member and the Almighty God forbid .
Also can disinfect wounds by mixing minced garlic in warm water and cleans the wound so the water kills all microbes and germs.
Diphtheria :
Chewed garlic cloves Kallban without swallowing for three minutes and then swallow , so after every meal a day .. and then inhale the vapor garlic in boiling water for three or five minutes with caution to be exposed to the cold .
Of alopecia :
Taken garlic paste and knead it (as much as a teaspoon ) of gunpowder even be Kalmarham black , then slashed Vixen blade sterile until it looks the blood and then placed the ointment and the wounds it, do not repeat this process for more than five consecutive days until you die alopecia and hair grows again ( fitter ) .
Stronger remedy for rheumatism :
After hammering the head of garlic peel then knead in honey with a spoon until it becomes a smooth circuit such as paints after mixing it together , then placed a poultice on the subject of rheumatism of the evening until the morning .. times .. twice .. rheumatism ends completely , God willing .
Nerves :
Cut clove of garlic and swallow it with hot milk drops of amber daily on an empty stomach , it strengthens the nerves and Ahdiha completely .
Deafness :
Knock seven cloves of garlic and then placed in the olive oil and heat over low heat , and fade away after a little dripping in the ear before going to sleep then filled with a piece of cotton tend am , and repeats the process day after day , and not every day .
To eliminate the influenza virus :
Drink orange juice and lemon milled in seven cloves of garlic , juice drink it on an empty stomach daily with steam inhalation garlic boiled before going to sleep .. after once or twice of that treatment is strange .. will end , God willing, Shafi influenza .
The cold , cold :
After swallowing clove of garlic eaters with each drink with lemon juice, garlic, garlic steam inhalation it is marvelous in the treatment of diseases of the cold in general.
Cancer :
There is substance in garlic ( Alpine ), the anti-cancer , and so I would advise all cancer patients a great deal of eating garlic , carrots, constantly , and the patient will find a fantastic result and a speedy recovery and God's mercy and strength around him , God willing.
Whooping cough :
Cut garlic cloves as much as a handful of hands , and thrown into the water with a pinch of salt to increase the steam , and inhale the steam .. and after that be before going to sleep to be heating up the morning and repeated every evening for a week .
Pulmonary tuberculosis :
Taken every morning, three cloves of garlic , and mash in a piece of bread and eaten on an empty stomach , and in the evening inhale vapor garlic recipe , whooping cough , and continue to do so for a month.
Cholera :
For the prevention of the spread of cholera ( which seek refuge with Allah and Muslims ) take one teaspoon of garlic paste after mixing it with honey eaters at all , they are the strongest and most effective vaccines , and in all cases of infectious diseases , it is useful . To expel worms :
Knock three garlic pills and placed in a milk drink without sugar and evening before going to sleep , and in the morning is taken ( drink castor ) and repeated from time to time , it saves the stomach parasites .
Try to :
Taken five heads of garlic , grated , then kneaded in fat sheep or cow or buffalo, painted by scabies place from the evening to the morning after a hot bath with successively continue for a week , it purifies the body completely .
Gallstone to break up :
Taken lemon juice and olive oil , " and a handful of parsley (leaves chopped) of each one of the three as much as a cup , and garlic half cup ( mashed ) and mix it together , and taken him to spoon before going to sleep a day, followed by drinking the amount of water.
For crust :
Knock three heads of garlic so that Kajeen , then kneaded in vinegar apples and packaged in glass vials and leave for a week in the sun and then painted then the head with a massage for a week you'll spend it on the crust and leads to smooth the hair also with a note of fat in olive oil, then after week .
Hit three cloves of garlic in a blender with three tomatoes and a pinch of salt , and drink the juice, iced it at any time tonic for mental and physical activity .
To strengthen the gums and prevent loss of teeth :
Grated amount of cloves garlic peeling and massage the gums which finger forefinger then Eetmdamad boiled water in which parsley to repair breath after that with the use of gum or mint .
To strengthen sexual ability :
Taken garlic and mashing and then settled in the olive oil over low heat until the yellows and then packaged in a small vial , and when you need painted by the root of the urethra ( pubic ) massage circular does not wash , but after an hour , with the necessity of commitment to morality Islamic mentioned in the door of the black bean for the same purpose .
Headache :
Rub a little of the garlic oil place headaches go away like it did not , taking lobe clip in a few swallows of water in order to eliminate the causes of headache that was one of the stomach , then wash the smell of the garlic head Wiczol with headache pain , God willing .
Of dizziness :
Omelet with garlic and olive oil completely eliminate the dizziness , eaten three times in three days , a Kajh sequences perfectly normal , but only for the onion with garlic with a pinch of salt and spices .
Analgesic for dental pain :
Put half a clove of garlic on the place of pain , and the patient be patient a little pain quickly lost completely , God willing , if the pain in the jaw the whole clove of garlic is placed inside the ear flap on the jaw Almujua .
To build muscle and strength :
Taken every day on an empty stomach a large glass of camel milk dissolved the lobe or lobes of chopped garlic , and one month , respectively, and stops a month back then , and so it builds a strong body , even if the owner has reached the elderly is very old .
To hardening of the arteries and blood pressure :
Beats garlic and olive oil in a cast covered in the sun for a period of forty days , then take a spoonful of it on an empty stomach daily for forty days.
For the prevention of plague and AIDS:
The greatest shield is given diseases and epidemics is piety God first and foremost and Hallelujah .. Following the causes and prevention .. you juice , garlic and so mixing three cloves in a cup of honey a day mixed with water , with your godliness God Almighty will always be in the invincibility and immunity .
Eye :
Garlic just chewed paper and then placed on the eye in the morning and evening until it heals conjunctivitis , God willing .. nor SiO except Allah .
Book of miracles of healing
Scientifically garlic protect you from the cold
Scientists prove Finally, the scientific evidence , the benefits of garlic in the fight against the common cold .
It has been shown to them that people who take daily tablets or pills of garlic extracts , which are sold in pharmacies and stores , they are less susceptible to colds , or cold , about the common weakness.
The significance of the new scientific discovery in that it demonstrates for the first time what the scientific evidence since the old people know about the advantages and capabilities of the multi- garlic in the fight against diseases and their symptoms .
But scientists say , as is the tradition in the careful and make sure , if further tests are necessary to determine beyond a doubt on the benefits of garlic in the fight against a number of diseases or prevent them , including the common cold .
The secret is in the power of garlic material interference in its composition known as Alasin , a biological material produced by the main plant garlic , and have the ability to reduce the incidence of the common cold by more than half.